2021年考研英语一阅读理解A Text1解析(武汉新东方)


Text 1

How can Britain’s train operators possibly justify yet another increase torail passenger fares? It has become a grimly reliable annual ritual: everyJanuary the cost of travelling by train rises, imposing a significant extraburden on those who have no option but to use the rail network to get to work orotherwise. This year’ s rise an average of 2.7 percent, maybe a fraction lowerthan last year’s, but it is still well above the official Consumer Price Index(CPD) measure of inflation.

Successive governments have permitted such increases on the grounds thatthe cost of investing in and running the rail network should be borne by thosewho use it, rather than the general taxpayer. Why, the argument goes, should acar-driving pensioner from Lincoln-shire have to subscribe the daily commute ofa stockbroker from Surrey? Equally, there is a sense that the travails ofcommuters in the south East, many of whom will face among the biggest rises,have received too much attention compared to those who must endure therelativity poor infrastructure of the mid lands and the north.

However, over the past 12 months, those commuters have also experiencedsome of the worst rail strikes in years. It is all very well operatorstrumpeting the improvements they are making to the network, but passengersshould be able to expect a basic level of service

for the substantial sums theyare now paying to travel. The responsibility for the test wave of strikes restson the wines. However, there is a strong case that those who have been worstaffected by industrial action should receive compensation for the disruptionthey have suffered.

The Government has pledged to change the law to introduce a minimum servicerequirement, so that, even when strikes occur services can continue

to operate.This should from part of a wider package of measures to address the long-runningproblems on Britain s railways. Yes, more investment is needed, but passengerswill not be willing to pay more indefinitely if they must also endure cramped,unreliable services interrupted by regular chaos when timetables are changed, orplanned maintenance is managed incompetently. The threat of nationalization mayhave been seen off for now, but it will return with a vengeance if the justifiedanger of passengers is not addressed in short order.

21. The author holds that this year’s increase in rail passenger fares

[A] has kept pace with inflation

[B] is a big surprise to commuters

[C] remains an unreasonable measure

[D] will ease train operation’s burden

22. The stockbroker in Paragraph 2 is used to stand for

[A] rail travelers

[B] car drivers

[C] local investors

[D] ordinary taxpayers

23. It is indicated in Paragraph 3 that train operators

[A] have suffered huge losses owing to the strikes

[B] have failed to provide an adequate service.

[C] are offering compensation to commuters

[D] are trying to repair relations with the unions

24. If unable to calm down passengers, the railways may have to face

[A] the loss of investment

[B] the collapse of operations

[C] a reduction of revenue

[D] a change of ownership

25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

[A] Who Are to Blame for the Strikes?

[B] Constant Complaining Doesn’t Work

[C] Can Nationalization Bring Hope?

[D] Ever-rising Fares Aren’t Sustainable

【正确答案】21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. D


21题:本题的关键词是this year’s increase in rail passengerfares,根据关键词可以精准定位至第一段第三句话(increase与rise同义替换),该句指出,该费用可能比去年低,但是仍然要高于居民消费指数的通胀程度,对应选项C仍然是一个不合理方法。A已经赶上通货膨胀,原文是远远高于通货膨胀,B中“惊讶”为无中生有,D原文只说会给乘客带来负担,并没有说会减轻火车运营方的负担,故排除。


23题:本题的关键词是 trainoperators,根据关键词准确定位至第三段第二句话,该句指出,运营方大肆宣传做了诸多改善,但乘客应该要期待花大笔钱支付路费之后能够得到基本的服务保障,说明operators并没有提供基本的服务,对应选项B“没能提供足够的服务”,这是考研阅读中正话反说反话正说的情况。A选项在第一句有提及,原文是说上下班的人遭遇过列车事故,而选项说的是运营方因事故而亏损;C正在给乘客提供赔偿,干扰词为来自原文的compensation,但是内容不一致;D属于无中生有。

24题:本题的关键词是if unable to calm down passengers,根据关键词精准定位至第四段末句(if thejustified anger of passengers is notaddressed),具体提问是铁路将不得不面临什么。定位句意为,国有化的威胁目前可能已经被消除,但是如果不迅速解决乘客合理的愤怒,它将卷土重来”。该句表明,铁路国有化可能会再次因为无法解决旅客的问题而受到威胁,因而答案是D,铁路公司可能会面临“所有权变更”的问题。干扰选项为A“失去投资”。虽然倒数第二句提到“铁路需要投资,而乘客也不可能无限制地多付钱“,但是本句话不符合题干限定的如果不能安抚乘客这一关键词,所以A选项答非所问。。B运作崩溃,以及C收入减少,为无中生有,故排除。


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